Emergency Lighting


We design and install all types of emergency light systems to BS5266, including the ongoing inspections and tests as legally required. There generally two types of emergency lighting. One that contains a battery pack in each light fitting, the other is by using a central battery charger connected to 'slave' light fittings. We are able to inspect, test and service both.


Hand in hand with the majority of emergency lighting are escape signs which are enforced by the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996.


We are FIA trained as ICEL competent to BS5266 parts 1, 7 and 8 with regards to emergency lighting and escape signage.


Effective emergency lighting systems are enforced by the The Workplace Directive and the FSO - The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.


The user is required to inspect the emergency lighting system daily to ensure that batteries are being charged either by looking for the green or red charging LED or meter reading on a central battery charger.

On a monthly basis it is required to test the system for a short duration to prove each light fitting operates correctly.

On a yearly basis a competent and trained person should inspect and test the system for the full duration, normally 3 hours.



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